
Discover our fast and flexible web-based to-do list app, accessible from any desktop device, for ultimate productivity.
Please note that our application is currently desktop-only.
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Todo Properties

Create todo with 4 properties: Name, Date, Priority and Tag. Press Enter to add it to list. Click the circle to mark it as done.

Multiple Lists

Create multiple lists for different purposes: daily todo list, long-term goal list or even project feature list.

Calendar View

View your todos with calendar. The date with todos is highlighted. Click on each date to only show the todos on that day.

Sync Your Work Anywhere

Save and upload your work on any device.

Todo Properties

Create todo with 4 properties: Name, Date, Priority and Tag. Press Enter to add it to list. Click the circle to mark it as done.

Multiple Lists

Create multiple lists for different purposes: daily todo list, long-term goal list or even project feature list.

Calendar View

View your todos with calendar. The date with todos is highlighted. Click on each date to only show the todos on that day.

Sync Your Work Anywhere

Save and upload your work on any device.

Raheem Shah
Version 1.0